Sunday 27 November 2011

Italy Evening in Poland

On 16th November 2011 teachers, students and parents from 47 Primary School in Białystok prepared together an Italian Evening. At the beginning the presentation of the pictures taken during our first partner meeting in Italy took place. Everyone was delighted and fascinated by the wonderful views and listened carefully to the full account of the first Comenius visit. Then, our students divided into six teams consisting of three people each, took part in the quiz about Italy. Since our students’ knowledge of this country is wide, there was a certain amount of friendly rivalry between the teams. After the quiz a long-awaited moment finally came:“ tasting Italian specialties, like pizzas, pesto, tiramisu, risotto, etc. prepared by our students and their parents. We all talked, ate, admired posters about Italy made by our students, and listened to Italian music. Everyone liked the meeting very much and now cannot wait for the next!
Bozena Gobcewicz, English Teacher of Szkoła Podstawowa nr 47 im. J.K. Branickiego/Poland