Thursday 25 July 2013

M. Gandhi

                      MAHATMA GHANDHI
                                        October 2, 1869 - January 30, 1948

  • Main objective: promotion of people who were fighting for human rights and promotion of active citizenship
  • Age: 6th till 8th grade
  • Time: 45 min.

  • Material: Biography Of Mahatma Ghandhi, written Puzzles, post its in two different  colors,  papers and pens,

  • Activities:

  1. Face to face with prejudice;  How did you feel?
  2. Biography Of Mahatma Ghandhi
  3. Promotion of active citizenship
  4. Things are not what they seem to be (Energizer will be done if there is left any time)
  5. Evaluation


  1. Face to face with prejudice;  How did you feel?

Activity: Everybody gets one post-it and have to stick it on his/her head but he/she doesn’t know what is written on it (prejudices: always lying, not to smart, steels, drug addict, was in prison, is prostitute,  not to pretty, Roma, Muslim, Serbian, adolescent that gave a birth to a child, homosexual). Group members have to say some prejudices about what is written on the label

Objective: developing empathy to the people that are different from us, feel discrimination on your own skin

  1. Biography Of Mahatma Ghandhi

  • Objectives: learn facts about Mahatma Ghandhi’s life
  • First we have to show the picture of Ghandhi to pupils and ask them what  they know about the person on the picture
  • Activity: work in  4 small groups, first splitting the whole class  using the game called Fruit salad (from the hat pupils have to pick up a piece of  paper on which is a sort of fruit is written ( or real fruit instead of paper) and than they have to form small fruit salad which is made from different kinds of fruit ); Every small group will have to read one part of the text  and tell the others the most important facts about Mahathmas life ( they will have to make a puzzle and write it down)
  • Text and puzzle are  in the attachment

  1. Promotion of active citizenship

·         Activity: “Now when you heard these stories, you have to make your own plan for helping in your local community or maybe in global society (e.g. helping someone who has financial, social or health problems, helping animals and  supporting environment are also included)

·         Objectives: promote young people to be active citizens, promote volunteering

·         Method:  work in triplets that I will share using the game called The same Number, every small group will have to make their own plan with specific actions and deadlines, and then present it to the whole group

  1. Energizer: Things are not what they seem to be

  • Activity: smaller groups of five members have to do the same task: What else could you make from one sock beside its usual purpose. The winner is group that found the most new or innovative solutions
  • Objectives: technique that develops creativity
  • Methods: brainstorming in two groups, competition and cooperation, having fun
  • This activity depends on time! (if there is any left)

  1. Evaluation:

  • Methods: Every member will take two post-its and they have to write down what is the most interesting thing that they learned today. On the other one post it everyone should write down their feelings after today workshop. Post its will be  sorted in 2 groups and we will put them on the big paper.
Objectives: get feedback from group members, find out about how they will use their new knowledge

by: Ana Vasiljev, social pedagogue