Friday, 13 September 2013

Lesson Plan For Peace And Tolerance - Mevlana

CLASS:8 th Grades
DURATION:40+40=80 min.
OVERALL  OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson ,students will learn who Mevlana is .
                                         To enjoy the lesson .
BEHAVIOURAL  OBJECTIVES:  To read and write the sentences according to the level.
                                                  To learn some new words.
                                               To use the target language ( English )most of the time .
                                                 To take pleasure from learning English .
MATERIALS : projector ,computer ,blackboard , pictures.
WARM UP / REVIEW (5 min. ) : Greet the students .
                                                Engaging  the  students  in a warm up activity .
                                             Ask them what we did at the last lesson .
INTRODUCE  THE  TOPIC : Today  we  are  going  to  learn  Mevlana’s  Life .
1.       Ask some questions about Mevlana .
Do you know Mevlana ?
 What  do you know about  Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi ?
               For example : Have you ever heard these sayings ?
 Examples :’’ Either be as you seem or seem as you are .’’
‘’A person who looks for perfection in his friends ends up friendless.’’
‘’A candle doesn’t loose its light ,by enlightening another candle .’’                        
2.Read the text to the students .
3.Read the text again and ask the following comprehension questions :
A)Which century  did Mevlana live in ?
B)Was Mevlana a Muslim ?
C)What did Pope John 23. write about Mevlana in 1958 ?
D)When did Mevlana die ?
4.Have the class practice the text several times ,repeating each sentence after the teacher .
5.Have the students read the text and ask if there are any words do not know .If so , discuss the meaning.
1.Students try to do some questions about the text.
2.Students  ask some words to each other .
3.Students write a summary about the text .
CLOSURE : Summarizing the lesson shortly .’’ Today , what did you learn in today’s lesson ? ‘’
FEEDBACK : Give homework to the students .( Preparing a poster about Mevlana’s Life and some Sayings  of Mevlana )
Say to them well done , very good and thank to them for their participation.

Prepared by Aylin AYDIN, English Teacher from Turkey